The Importance of a Personal Brand

We talk a lot about branding your business, but did you know each of us have our own personal brand as well? I did a podcast interview this past week discussing the topic with my friend Jen Brazeal as it is something most people don't think about.

Brand comes down to identity...plain and simple. Identity is defined as "the fact of being who or what a person or thing is". We encourage businesses to know their identity and communicate this through their brand so that they can focus on what they're good at and attract potential customers. This is important in your own personal life as well because it helps you identify what is life giving/what's not. It also highlights your strengths, so it's a self-packaging process as opposed to a self-improvement.

For example, I'm Stephanie, a left brain + right brain person. I enjoy structure and business, but need to leave room for creativity so I flourish! I value honesty, so I will always be straight forward with you if you ask my opinion and appreciate my community of family + friends that do the same for me.

What's great about having a personal brand is that it can be a filter you look through to make sure you are living your life to its fullest! What's your personal brand? If it’s not something you’ve though of before, I encourage you to take 15 minutes today to consider this.

Stephanie Hill